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Načini plaćanja
Naručivanje preko našeg sajta u proseku traje manje od jednog minuta i odvija se kroz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka.
Opis proizvoda
The P820 Tube high-performance multi-pattern tube microphone is an excellent tool for highlighting lead vocals, brass instruments, electric guitars and drums. With its dual one-inch diaphragm capsule and the advanced ECC83 dual-triode circuitry, the P820 Tube delivers real tube sound and raises the bar in its class of affordable tube microphones.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Audio frequency bandwidth 20 - 20000 Hz
- Equivalent noise level 16 dB-A
- Sensitivity 20 mV/Pa
- Signal to Noise 78 dB-A
- Preattenuation Pad-20 dB
- Bass cut filter 80 - 12 dB/octave (selectable on remote control unit)
- Electrical impedance<= 200 Ohms
- Recommended load impedance>= 1000 Ohms
- Polar PatternsCardioid, Omnidirectional, and Figure of eight
- Length 212 mm
- Diameter 54 mm
- Net Weight 765 g
- Type Balanced XLR
- Gender Male
- Contacts 3-pin
- Powering 210-240 VAC or 110-120 VAC (selectable)
- Primary Fuse 125 mA/250 V slow-blow
- Project Studio Yes
- Vocals Yes
- Horns / Woodwinds Yes