D’Addario EXL140 10-52 žice za električnu gitaru
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Opis proizvoda
D'Addario EXL140 10-52 žice za električnu gitaru. EXL140 is one of D'Addario's most popular hybrid sets.
- Optimized for down or drop tuning! EXL140 is one of D'Addario's most popular hybrid sets, combining the high strings from an EXL110 (.010) with heavier low strings (.052). This combination delivers powerful low end for heavy chording and flexible plain steel strings for bending. Optimized for down or drop tuning!
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Hybrid gauge combines EXL110 for flexibility with heavier 4th, 5th and 6th strings for a more solid low end
- Round wound with nickelplated steel for distinctive bright tone
- Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh
- Made in the U.S.A. for the highest quality and performance
- String Gauges: Plain Steel .010, .013 .017, Nickel Wound .030, .042, .052