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Opis proizvoda
Single-channel studio-quality mic preamp plus 5 dynamics processors. The dbx 286A's sonically pristine Mic Preamp has all the features you need, including wide-ranging input gain control, switchable 48V phantom power, and an 80Hz high-pass filter.
Just another mic preamp? Hardly. The 286A is such a versatile, multi-faceted device that your audio pros at Sweetwater are at a loss to know where to begin describing it. As a mic preamp, the 286A gives you a +48V phantom power switch, an 80Hz high pass filter and clear, pristine sound. But the 286A also works as a voice processor, with a compressor, de-esser, enhancer, and an expander/gate. Tough enough to handle the rock-n-roll howlers, but sophisticated enough to pick up the subtle details and nuances of live performance, the 286A gives you a huge range of tools in one box with one power supply. All you need for great-sounding, dependable voice processing is right here in the 286A!
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Studio quality mic preamp combined with a compressor, de-esser, enhancer and expander/gate puts tremendous flexibility in an affordable, compact unit.
- Ideal for studio, broadcast, and field recording as well as live sound. Use for tracking or mixing.
- Pre-amp accepts mic or line level inputs, offers phantom power - and 80Hz, 18dB/Oct high pass filter plus input level meter.
- All new design offers OverEasy compression ranging from smooth and transparent to dense and aggressive for the dbx "in your face" sound.
- Feedforward de-esser removes excessive sibilance or other high frequency overloads ( like crash cymbals ) across a wide range of input levels.
- High frequency Spectral Enhancement circuit continually analyzes the input signal and self-adjusts to provide just the right amount of equalization.
- Low frequency Spectral Enhancement uses a special fourth-order bass equalizer that permits substantial boost around 80Hz while reducing the muddy mid-bass
- Expander/gate's variable ratio lets you choose gentle downward expansion or hard gating action.
- Master bypass switch for the processor section; clip indicators on both the pre amp and the processor output, floating balanced inputs.
- An insert jack between the mic pre and processor sections is perfect for adding an equalizer ( like the 242 ) or muting the output of the mic pre
- Output gain variable from -30dB to +10dB