Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.
Cenovnik dostave
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Načini plaćanja
Naručivanje preko našeg sajta u proseku traje manje od jednog minuta i odvija se kroz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka.
Opis proizvoda
The remote device shall provide programmable program selection via contact closures for the dbx® DriveRac®k 220i and 260 devices...The remote device shall provide programmable program selection via contact
closures for the dbx® DriveRac®k 220i and 260 devices. The remote
device shall also provide contact closure programmable source selection,
page assignment, or scene selection for the dbx ZonePro™ devices.
The remote device shall have DIP switches allowing identification with
connection to the processing device via CAT 5 cable on RJ-45 connectors.
The device shall be a dbx ZC-4 remote controller.