Evans RF6GM pad za vežbanje
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Opis proizvoda
Evans RF6GM pad za vežbanje.
- The real feel of an acoustic drum is best approached using the RealFeel 6 inch practice pad from Evans.
- Thanks to the rubber surface, even the drummer with the hardest hit can loose on this practice pad. This makes the exercise pad durable and robust.
- Perfect for fine-tuning the speed at which you drum. But even if you want to play warm for a gig, the RealFeel practice pad can be of service to you.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- 6" single sided pad with gum rubber and 8mm threaded insert
- Gum rubber surface for a realistic rebound
- Provides the best practice substitute to an acoustic drum
- Provides an 8mm threaded insert on the bottom for mounting to most standard cymbal stands or the Evans ARFSTD practice pad stand
- All RealFeel by Evans drum pads are designed, engineered and manufactured to the most stringent quality controls in the industry