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IK Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonik 2 Orchestral Collection

Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.

Cenovnik dostave
Klikom na link posetićete stranicu sa ažuriranim cenovnikom kuriskih službi.

Načini plaćanja
Naručivanje preko našeg sajta u proseku traje manje od jednog minuta i odvija se kroz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka.

Opis proizvoda

Strings that soar, woodwinds that dance, brass that commands and a full symphony orchestra of sounds at your fingertips — all expertly performed with musical articulations for real music played by real musicians. From flowing legatos to animated pizzicatos, from aggressive spiccatos to elegant staccatos, from the most subtle pianissimo to the most triumphant fortissimo and more, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is a sweeping vision from a master artist embodied in a new virtual instrument that brings the orchestra to life. It’s not enough to just have good recordings of classical instruments. For a true symphonic experience, you need instruments performed by the absolute best musicians articulated in just the right way directed by a producer and conductor who knows the fine art of making living, breathing samples. Miroslav Vitous pioneered the concept of a complete symphonic sample library for real composers, and now he has taken it to the next level. Miroslav Philharmonik 2 is feeling. And it's feeling that you can't get with other orchestral collections. Musicians familiar with Mirsolav Vitous' groundbreaking original library know what we're talking about. But if you've never used Miroslav Philharmonik before, let's paint a picture in your mind of the particular kind of feeling that its instruments can conjure: It's the tension and mystery filling your love story set in the French Riviera with delicate tragedy. It's the punctuation and swelling background of passion in your next tear-jerking R&B ballad. It's that added dash of symphonic brilliance that turns your goth-metal anthem into the kind of cathartic experience that tops charts.


Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda

  • Works as a multi-platform plug-in and as a Standalone application
  • Content structured in Instruments, Multis and MIDI Patterns
  • Fully compatible with Mac OS X and Windows
  • Supported plug-in formats: AAX, VST, and Audio Units
  • 16 part multitimbral
  • 16 individual stereo outputs
  • Info view with specific information and 3D icon for each instrument
  • Mix view and full mix parameters control
  • Live mode for instantaneous sounds loading, organized in set lists and songs
  • 34 studio-quality effects
  • Part Range Controls allows for creating splits and layers
  • Edit view for in depth editing of all synth engine parameters, independently for all the elements or articulations that are included in the instrument
  • Instrument browsing
  • BPM syncable time-based effects and LFOs
  • Four play modes including mono legato with portamento.
  • Zone switch allows to edit individual key-zones for the selected sound elelement or articulation
  • Multi Articulation and Key Switch instrument control for string, woodwind and brass instruments
  • Easy to use assignable MIDI control to any parameter with MIDI Learn
  • Instrument and Multi saving
  • Convenient Search function for Instruments, Multis and Patterns
  • Available as a digital download or as a boxed version with USB drive
  • Pitch-Shift/Time-Stretch
  • Resampling
  • Amp Components: Tone Control
  • EQ and Dynamics: Black 76, Model 670, White 2A, Vintage EQ-1A, Compressor, Parametric EQ, EQ Comp, Limiter
  • Modulation: Chorus C1, Electric Flanger, Rotary Speaker, Uni-V, Small Phazer, Chorus, Phaser, Tremolo, Flanger
  • Reverb and Delay: Acoustic Resonance, Tape Echo, Hall Reverb, ConvoRoom, Plate Reverb, Reverb, Ambience, Delay, Spring Reverb
  • Filters / Other: Piano Lid, Stereo Imager, LFO Filter, Phonograph, Env Filter, Slicer, Lo-Fi