LD Systems MIC BAG L futrola za mikrofon
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Opis proizvoda
LD Systems MIC BAG L futrola za mikrofon
The light universal bag provides ideal protection and convenient storage for your microphones.
- Though compact in size, it is large enough to hold up to two microphones or accessories.
Such as microphone clips, spare capsules and microphone cables.
Made of durable and flexible neoprene, it is neat, functional and elegant in design.
The bag is closed with a robust, continuous zip fastener.
It is suitable for all wireless microphones from the LD product family,
as well as all other commonly available wireless microphones.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Product type: Microphone Accessories
- Type: Bags
- Color: Black
- Material: Neoprene
- Thickness of the padding: 3 mm
- Latch: zip
- Width: 300 mm
- Height: 100 mm
- Weight: 0,033 kg