Sennheiser 3 PACK e 604 mikrofon
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Opis proizvoda
The e604 3-Pack from Sennheiser includes three high-SPL handling (more than 160dB) cardioid microphones, optimized for use on drum sets and other percussion miking applications. Each microphone actually comes with an integrated, pivoting mount that can screw directly onto mic stands or mount on the rim of a drum, making setup very efficient. A balanced, clear, low distortion signal from the e604 is similar to a high-end studio condenser microphone. A lightweight voice coil provides extended high frequency and rapid transient response. This quality drum mic is housed in a tough, reinforced glass fiber body designed to suppress impact noise. If you're looking to mic your toms or snare, the e604 is a dynamic mic ready for the job!
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Amazing SPL handling. In Excess of 150dB SPL
- Outstanding Feedback Rejection
- Advanced Shock Mount reduces handling noise
- Rugged construction
- Drum Clip included
- Microphone Type:Dynamic
- Polar Pattern:Cardioid
- Frequency Response:40Hz-18kHz
- Output Impedance:350 ohms
- Color:Black
- Connector:XLR
- Weight:0.13 lbs.
- Included Accessories:3 x Drum Clips