Sennheiser E 914 kondenzatorski mikrofon
Na zalihama
Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.
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Opis proizvoda
The e 914 is a condenser microphone of the superior class with a full-bodied sound and excellent dynamics. Its silky character, never headstrong, is developed from the gentle emphasis of the sophisticated treble. Its straightforward transient response accurately captures the temperament of each set, even at very high sThe e 914 is a condenser microphone of the superior class with a full-bodied sound and excellent dynamics. Its silky character, never headstrong, is developed from the gentle emphasis of the sophisticated treble. Its straightforward transient response accurately captures the temperament of each set, even at very high sound pressure levels. With its detailed resolution, the e 914 makes every live drum sound more refined. The capsule has extraordinary feedback resistance and can be individually adapted to various needs: three positions of bass roll-off/cut-off and pre-attenuation can be set.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Condenser microphone
- Perfect for ambitious (live) recordings
- Excellent dynamics and lively sound on a wide range of instruments
- Handles very high sound pressure levels
- Three-position bass roll-off/cut-off switch
- Three-position pre-attenuation
- Dimensions 24 x 157 mm
- Connector XLR-3
- Transducer principle (Microphone) pre-polarised condenser microphone
- Frequency response 20...20 000 Hz
- Weight 198 g
- Attenuation 0, -10, -20 dB
- Pick-up pattern cardioid
- Sensitivity in free field, no load (1kHz) 7 mV/Pa
- Nominal impedance 100 Ohm
- Min. terminating impedance 1000 Ohm
- Phantom powering 48 V/2,2 mA
- Equivalent noise level 19 dB(A)
- Max. Sound pressure level (aktiv) - 137, 147 (with activated -10 db attenuation), 157 (with activated -20 db attenuation) db