Sennheiser HD 600 slušalice
Garancija dve godine
Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.
Cenovnik dostave
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Načini plaćanja
Naručivanje preko našeg sajta u proseku traje manje od jednog minuta i odvija se kroz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka.
Opis proizvoda
The HD 600 is an audiophile-grade open dynamic hi-fi/professional stereo headphone. The advanced diaphragm design eliminates standing waves resulting in a clean sound free of artifacts and acoustical disturbances. The HD 600 is a fantastic addition to a hi-fi stack or dedicated listening room, and is a favorite among mastering engineers worldwide.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- High-quality open metal mesh grilles deliver extremely transparent sound
- Computer optimized magnet systems minimize harmonic and intermodulation distortion
- Extremely lightweight aluminum voice coils ensure excellent transient response
- Neodymium ferrous magnet systems ensure optimum sensitivity and an excellent dynamic response
- Exceptionally natural, spatial and accurate sound
- Detachable, OFC copper cable
- Built-tough with a 2 YEAR warranty
- Dynamic
- Open
- Circumaural
- Impedance: 300 Ohm
- Sound pressure level: 97 dB
- Frequency range: 12 - 39,000 Hz
- Two sided cable routing
- 3 m Cable with 3.5 mm jack socket
- Weight without cable: 253 g
- Weight with cable: 309 g
- Includes 6.3 mm adapter