Vincent Bach 181L kornet
Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.
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Načini plaćanja
Naručivanje preko našeg sajta u proseku traje manje od jednog minuta i odvija se kroz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka.
Opis proizvoda
Because of its 2 windings and conical bore, this instrument has more resistance and flexibility. Best suited for coloratura work, slurring, triple tonguing, and other technical performances. The tone is smooth and not as heroic or martial as that of the Bb trumpet. This is the large bore model. Having a more mellow and richer tone, it is frequently used for melody playing.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- ML bore 459" = 11,66 mm
- Bell Ø 4 13/16" = 122,24 mm
- 37 bell, 106 leadpipe
- Monel-pistons, thumb saddle on 1st valve slide, fixed finger ring on 3rd valve slide
- VINCENT BACH 6 mouthpiece
- Rectangular Case
- Yellow brass, lacquered finish