Vincent Bach B185 truba
Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.
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Načini plaćanja
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Opis proizvoda
Built on the platform of the world renowned Bach Stradivarius model 18037, the B185 heralding trumpet features a #37 one-piece hand-hammered professional long bell that produces a warm sound with great projection. The #25 leadpipe allows for slight resistance that is effective in centering tone production. The silver-plate finish provides a controlled brilliance to the overall sound. These features combined with a .459" medium-large bore allow the player to produce a well-rounded sound well suited for all types ceremonial music.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- "Bach Stradivarius" - Triumphal trumpet,
- key of Bb,
- .459" medium-large bore,
- #37 one-piece hand-hammered yellow brass bell,
- #25 mouthpipe, Monel pistons,
- 1st slide thumb saddle,
- adjustable 3rd slide rod stop,
- clear lacquer finish,
- Bach 7C mouthpiece,
- 1847 woodshell case.