Besplatna dostava
Dostava je besplatna za online narudžbine fizičkih lica u vrednosti preko 15.000,00 dinara. Svaka pošiljka može biti osigurana dodatno/pošiljke do 70 000 dinara su osigurane.
Cenovnik dostave
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Načini plaćanja
Naručivanje preko našeg sajta u proseku traje manje od jednog minuta i odvija se kroz nekoliko jednostavnih koraka.
Opis proizvoda
Viscount Unico CLV8 je kompakt orgulja sa tri manuala, pedalbordom od 32 note, 50 registara i 4 orkestarska registra. Kućište je napravljeno od drveta sa poklopcem za dirke. Ovaj model idealan za učenike ili srednje crkve.
- Ovu orgulju pokreće Physis modeling tehnologija koja elektronski reprodukuje fizički fenomen koji utiče na stvaranje zvuka kod pravih cevnih orgulja. Tako ovaj instrument stvara neverovatno veran i moćan zvuk orgulja.
- Takoðe poseduje i "Action Tracker" klavijaturu koja detektuje dodir pomoću brzine kojom se deluje na dirku i omogućava da se oseti takozvani "Tracker Touch" efekat, koji je zapravo veza izmeðu dodira svirača i zvuka svake viruelne cevi.
Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Manuals: 3 x 61 notes "tracker touch" keyboards, with velocity control for MIDI and Orchestra sections.
- Pedalboard notes: 32 notes straight, straight concave, radiating concave
- Register Control: Tilt Tab
- Internal Amplification: 4 x 60 Watt + 1 x 100 Watt
- Speakers: 9
- Expression Pedals: 2
- Crescendo Pedal: yes
- Pedal: 11
- Choir: 11
- Great: 13
- Swell: 15
- Orchestral Voices: 4
- Total Voices: 50 classic, 4 orchestral, hundreds of voices in the internal sound bank
- Styles: 4 Preset + 4 User. Hundreds sound styles can be loaded and/or stored from/to internal memory and pen drive
- Alternative Voices: Selectable additional sound for each stop
- Orchestral Alternative Voices: Selectable additional sound for dedicated stop
- General Pistons: 8
- Memory Bank: 16
- Total Memories: 128 general, tens of thousands with pen drive
- Piston Sequencer: Prev - Next pistons
- Toe Pistons: 12
- Automatic Pedal: Yes
- Enclosed Piston: Yes
- Couplers: 3, with Stops, Pistons and Toe Studs
- Mixture I,II,III: Si, tramite pistoni a piede
- Transposer: -6/+5
- General and Reverb Volume: With rotary potentiometers
- MIDI enable: Yes
- Orchestra and Midi Sustain: Kick switch located on the side of the expression pedal
- Remote Control Optional radio no directive 50 mt distance remote control with built in 2x16 display
- Display: 128 x 64 dots graphic with backlight
- Voice Parameters: Stop by stop adjustable voice parameters
- Divisional Volume: Separate for each division
- Tremulant: 3, Separately for each manuals depth and speed adjustable
- Reverb: 8 Types
- Adjustable Ensemble Effect: Adjustable
- Air Pressure Effect: Proportional to the active Voices
- Historic Temperaments: Kirnberger II, Kirnberger III, Werckmeister III, Werckmeister IV, Werckmeister V, Vallotti, Silbermann I, Silbermann II, Kellner 1975, Meantone, Meantone pure minor third, Zarlino, Sauveur I, Sauveur II, Barca, Rameau, Pythagorean, each with programmable "Tonic" Key Note
- Keyboards Inversion: Yes
- Programmable Output Routing: Stop by stop adjustable windchest layout
- External Output Volume Control: independent volume control for each channel
- 5 Bands Equalizer on External Outputs: independent equalizer for each channel
- 5 Bands Equalizer on Internal Amplification: Yes
- Midi Programmable: Tx/Rx Midi Ch., Tx/Rx Midi Filter, Send PG, Keyb. Midi Velocity
- Sequencer: Interactive song sequencer with overdubbing function
- Demo Songs: Yes
- File Management: Copy, Load, Save, Rename, Delete etc.
- Lock Organ: With password
- Midi In, Out, Thru: Yes
- Stereo Headphone Output: Yes
- Stereo Aux Input: Yes
- Mic. Input: With gain control
- External Output: 4+1, (12+1 when replacing standard output board with optional expansion board)
- USB to PC: For finest finishing and personalization like Stop by Stop, Note by Note Volume and Pitch Regulation, Stop disposition, Internal and External Routing, etc. (optional)
- USB for Pen Drive: Yes
- Dimensions: 143 x 123 x 111,2 cm
- Cabinet Features: Elegant console in dark or light oak color, elegant lighted music rack, roll cover and matching bench
- Colours / Finishes: Light oak simulated wood, Dark oak simulated wood
- Weight: 156 kg