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Opis proizvoda
VOX StompLab SL1B procesor za bass gitaru: The StompLab IB from Vox is a modeling effects processor designed for electric bass. Featuring 120 presets (100 stock, 20 user-assignable), this unit emulates amps, cabinets, EQs, modulations, delays, and reverbs. The presets are categorized by genre into ten separate banks, with each bank containing ten different combinations of amps, pedals, and various effects. You can program the user presets with the edit button, which converts the category, gain, and value knobs into controllable commands over all of the pedal's built-in parameters—parameters which can you can save and recall whenever you need them.
On the stage, you can twist the StompLab's knobs for gain and effect manipulation. The unit can be routed to an amplifier or directly into a mixer or PA (in mono or stereo); the choice is yours. As an additional feature, this pedal offers a tuner with a six-octave range and an adjustable point of reference: You can assign that all-important "A" to any frequency between 438 and 445 Hz, so if you need to tune to European orchestras for some reason, such a feat wouldn't be a problem.
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Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda
- Modulation - Nine different modulation types, including chorus, filtron, tremolo, phaser, flanger, pitch-shift, and rotary
- Pedal Types - Nine different pedal emulations, including compressor, exciter, wah, octavizer, acoustic, uni-vibe, tone, and ring-mod
- Amp and Drive Combinations - 10 individual amplifiers modeled, as well as eight different drive settings
- Cabinets - 12 cabinets modeled, including LA (4x10", 1x18"), UK (4x12", 4x15") and more
- Delays and Reverbs - Two different delay settings with up to four repeats of feedback apiece, as well as three distinct styles of reverb